There’s an old proverb which states: “the longest journey begins with a single step.” It describes part of what baptism is all about. It’s the first key step on a spiritual journey of a lifetime; the first step towards being a follower of Christ. If this is a step you would like to take yourself, we would love to encourage you - please contact us to discuss things further.
Of course, you may be reading this because you’ve recently had a new baby and are looking to arrange a baptism service (or christening) at the church for them. If so, congratulations, your child is a gift from God to be celebrated. As baptism marks the start of a spiritual journey, it is very important that you and your child become involved in your local church community - that’s how we grow in our faith. As such, if you do live some distance away from Brewood and Bishops Wood, we recommend you contact the local church where you live to arrange the service there. I’m sure they will be delighted to see you. Our own policy is that we are very happy to offer baptism for families who live in one of our parishes, or who regularly attend services here. Note that this does mean that having your wedding at one of our churches, or having a previous child baptised here, are not on their own sufficient qualifying reasons.
We normally conduct baptisms at 12.00 on the first Sunday of the month but occasionally they can be arranged during the main 10.00 service. We do not baptise during the seasons of Advent or Lent.
To begin this process, it is important to attend a service and make yourselves known to one of the church’s ministry team. The services can be found on the respective church pages and our church calendars.
You may find it helpful to visit the links below to the wider Church of England website.